Gold-studded food, is it halal to consume?


Recently, food using gold topping has become a trend. So how does Islam view the law on eating gold-studded food?

In Islam itself, we are encouraged to eat good and lawful food as the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 168, in this verse there is an order to eat halal food, either how to get it or its substance. In addition to halal, food must also be good, meaning safe, healthy and not excessive.

According to the medical, gold consumed does not contain any properties to the body. Keep in mind that the gold here is not in the form of a bracelet or ring which is then chewed, but there is a special gold called edible gold (gold that can be eaten).

Sheikh Sulaiman bin Umar bin Muhammad Al-Bujairimi in the book Hasyiyah al-Bujairami ala Al-Khatib (juz 1 page 362) explains about the permissibility of consuming food studded with melted gold, as long as it does not cause negative effects on the body.

Basically it’s okay to eat gold-studded food, but if you’re worried that it can waste your wealth, it’s best to avoid it. Wallahu a’lam.

What do you think? dare to try it?

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