How Long Can Leftovers Be Stored in the Refrigerator?


Leftovers that do not run out can be stored in the refrigerator. This storage can help make food last longer. When you want to eat it again, you can reheat or re-cook food that has been stored in the refrigerator.

The question is, how long can leftover food be stored in the refrigerator?

There is no definite answer regarding how long leftover food can be stored in the refrigerator. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it’s best to keep leftovers for no longer than three to four days in the refrigerator. In addition, the length of food storage also depends on the type of cuisine and the food processing process.

Quoted from The Healthy, you should also pay attention to leftover food stored in the refrigerator because it can carry the risk of harmful bacteria to other foods. For example, foods containing milk, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and seafood. The levels of harmful bacteria and viruses in leftover food determine how long food can last and can lead to ailments such as stomach upset and nausea. Therefore, double-check the food stored in the refrigerator before eating it.


Here’s how to find out which foods are unfit for consumption:

  • Use your eyes and nose to see if the food is still fit for consumption. If food emits a foul odor, you should throw it away immediately.
  • Check on each side of the food for mold or not. The growth of mold indicates that the food is not fit for consumption.
  • Before eating it, taste it first to know the taste on the tongue. If it has changed the taste like it is more sour, you should not consume it because it means it has been contaminated or stale.

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