What is the ruling on postponing breaking the fast in Ramadan?


Breaking the fast when the time comes is indeed part of the sunnah of the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad advised those who are fasting to hasten to break their fast. The following is a hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam which was narrated from Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu’anhu:

ا الإفْطَارِ، ا السَّحُوْرَ بَكِّرُوْا بِالإفْطَارِ، وَأَخِّرُوْا السَّحُوْرَا الإفْطَارِ، ا السَّحُوْرَ

Meaning: “Hurry up to break the fast and end the suhoor.”

What is the ruling on delaying breaking the fast in Ramadan? Is the reward reduced?

Hastening to break the fast at the beginning of time or as soon as it enters Maghrib time is good because it is sunnah. On the other hand, delaying breaking the fast is not good.

It doesn’t matter if you break your fast just a little to eat or drink. The most important thing is to end immediately by breaking the fast when it is time for Maghrib, even if it is only by drinking or eating a little. Then the big iftar is done after performing the Maghrib prayer.

Things like this used to be done by Rasulullah SAW, namely just eating a few dates or drinking enough water first. Then proceed with the Maghrib prayer. After that, just eat big to fill an empty stomach.

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