5 Benefits of Watermelon, Good for Consuming During Ramadan!


Want to be healthier during Ramadan? Try to feel the benefits of watermelon for sahur and iftar. One of the benefits of watermelon is that it can hydrate the body more, it fits perfectly with the intake during the month of Ramadan, right? besides that there are many other benefits, see the following post to find out the benefits.

  1. Hydrate the Body

Watermelon has a high water content of 92% and has important nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. So, one of the benefits of watermelon is that it actually hydrates you more effectively than water, especially after a long day of fasting.

2. Low Calories

Watermelon is a fruit that is low in calories. There are only 46 calories per cup which is even lower than ‘low sugar’ fruits like berries. The benefits of watermelon are also fat-free, the sugar content in watermelon is actually quite low.

3. Rich in Nutrients

Watermelon contains vitamins A, C, B, and amino acids. The benefits of watermelon are also high in carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Lycopene from watermelon is a super antioxidant that protects all body cells from free radical damage. Not only that, the benefits of watermelon can also protect the immune system and are easily absorbed into the body.

4. Healthy for the Heart

Other benefits of watermelon can help improve blood circulation. The benefits of watermelon, which are rich in antioxidant vitamin C, can protect and repair venous, arterial, and heart tissues.

5. Improve Digestion

Red watermelon contains a lot of water and little fiber. Eating water-rich fruits such as watermelon can be very helpful for normal bowel movements during the fasting month.

Read Also: Is it better to break the fast with cold water or warm water?

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