Is it better to break the fast with cold water or warm water?


Iftar is the time that Muslims look forward to while fasting. After almost 12 to 13 hours of fasting with hunger and thirst, cold water becomes a refreshing iftar drink. But, is it better to break the fast with cold water or warm water?

According to a clinical and sports nutrition practitioner, Rita Ramayulis, published by Kompas, she said that breaking the fast with drinks that are too cold will make the stomach work slowly because it has to adjust to body temperature. In addition, the stomach has not been filled with food or drink for a long time so that the stomach will experience contractions or shock when it immediately receives cold water. Your stomach will also feel bloated if you break your fast with a cold drink.

How good?

Choose an iftar drink with sweet and warm water so as not to surprise an empty stomach after a day of fasting.

You can break your fast by drinking water first. After that, about five to ten minutes, then consume drinks or sweet foods, such as dates or compote.

Sweet drinks such as warm sweet tea can be recommended as iftar drinks because they can normalize your blood sugar after fasting. But keep in mind, sweet drinks should also not be excessive while still paying attention to the limits according to the portion.

What are the benefits of breaking the fast with warm water?

Drinking warm water when breaking the fast can restore body temperature more quickly, so that the stomach organs can adjust properly after not eating and drinking for a long time. In addition, warm water can activate the digestive system which can help to avoid indigestion.


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