Here Are 5 Muslim Friendly Restaurant In Taiwan
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Taiwan is a tourist destination that is famous for its beautiful tourist attractions, interesting culture, and delicious food. But for Muslim visitors, enjoying delicious halal Taiwanese cuisine can be a challenge in itself. Come on, find out where to eat halal food in Taiwan so you can enjoy it and not be confused while in this beautiful country, here is a list of halal and delicious places to eat that could be an interesting recommendation for you!
- Chang’s Beef Noodle Shop

Taiwan seems to be heaven for beef noodle lovers, so make sure you try this one. One of the restaurants that provides halal and delicious beef noodle menus in Taipei is Chang’s Beef Noodle Shop. Chang Beef Noodle Shop is located at No 21 Yanping South Road, Zhingzheng District, Taipei.
2. Halal Chinese Beef Noodle

In addition to the above restaurants, you can find delicious and halal beef noodle sellers such as Halal Chinese Beef Noodle. This restaurant, which has been around for 60 years, even managed to get a Michelin Guide. Halal Chinese Beef Noodle is located in Yanji Street, Lane 137, Da’an District, Taipei.
3. Bismillah Halal Food Restaurant

Name of the restaurant already looks halal. The recommended menu that you must try is the spicy chicken with sesame, fried omelette, and fried lemon fish which tastes really great. This halal restaurant is located at No 7, lane 244 section 3, Roosevelt Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei.
4. Thai Yunus Halal Restaurant

This restaurant is located at Beining Red 36, Songshan District. The menu prices here are quite pocket-friendly. Besides being guaranteed halal, this restaurant is also suitable for you who are vegetarian.
5. Maya Restaurant

Maya Restaurant has a unique concept of Aboriginal which is located in the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village area, Yuchi Township, Nantou County. The feel of the restaurant tends to be dark but still presents a majestic impression with the presence of Aboriginal ornaments. One of the menus served at this Muslim Friendly restaurant is seasoned beef complete with corn, rice, and broccoli.
Hopefully the recommendations above can be useful for Halalin friends who are in Taiwan.
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Inilah 5 Restoran Halal yang Terkenal di Taipei
Taiwan merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata yang terkenal dengan tempat wisata indah, budaya menarik, dan kuliner lezat. Tetapi bagi pengunjung Muslim, menikmati kuliner enak Taiwan yang halal bisa menjadi suatu tantangan tersendiri. Yuk, cari tahu tempat makanan halal di Taiwan supaya Kamu enjoy dan tidak kebingungan saat di negara indah ini, berikut ini daftar tempat makan halal dan enak yang bisa jadi rekomendasi menarik untukmu!
- Chang’s Beef Noodle Shop

Taiwan sepertinya jadi surga bagi pecinta beef noodle, jadi pastikan Kamu mencicipi kuliner yang satu ini. Salah satu restoran yang menyediakan menu beef noodle halal dan lezat di Taipei adalah Chang’s Beef Noodle Shop. Chang Beef Noodle Shop berada di No 21 Yanping South Road, Zhingzheng District, Taipei.
2. Halal Chinese Beef Noodle

Selain restoran di atas, Kamu bisa menemukan penjual beef noodle yang lezat dan halal seperti Halal Chinese Beef Noodle. Resto yang sudah berdiri selama 60 tahun ini bahkan berhasil mendapatkan Michelin Guide. Halal Chinese Beef Noodle berlokasi di kawasan Yanji Street, Lane 137, Da’an District, Taipei.
3. Rumah Makan Bismillah Halal Food

Nama restorannya saja sudah jelas terlihat halal. Menu rekomendasi yang wajib Kamu coba adalah spicy chicken with sesame, fried omelette, dan fried lemon fish yang rasanya benar-benar juara. Restoran halal ini berada di No 7, lane 244 section 3, Roosevelt Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei.
4. Thai Yunus Halal Restaurant

Restoran ini berlokasi di Beining Red 36, Songshan District. Harga menu di sini bisa dibilang cukup bersahabat di kantong. Selain terjamin halal, restoran ini juga cocok untuk Kamu yang vegetarian.
5. Maya Restaurant

Maya Restaurant memiliki konsep unik berupa Aborigin yang berlokasi di dalam kawasan Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County. Nuansa resto cenderung gelap namun tetap menghadirkan kesan megah dengan adanya ornamen-ornamen suku Aborigin. Salah satu menu yang disajikan di restoran Muslim Friendly ini adalah daging sapi berbumbu lengkap dengan jagung, nasi, dan brokoli.
Rekomendasi di atas semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk sobat Halalin yang sedang berada di Taiwan.
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