Here’s Why Cat Foods Are Halal Certified


Halal certification for cat food is nothing but a preventive measure to prevent Muslims from coming into contact with things that are forbidden.

Reporting from (14/01/2022) some time ago, one of the cat food products from Malaysia applied for halal certification registration. After conducting a search, this application was accepted. This is because the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) considers cat food products to also have a halal critical point.

Therefore, let’s review one by one the reasons cat food also needs to be certified halal. In general, there are three main reasons why cat food needs to be certified halal. First, feed the cat with bare hands, so that the cat’s food touches the feeder’s skin directly.

Second, it is related to the critical point of product halalness. According to Ir. Diana Mustafa, senior auditor of LPPOM MUI, cat food has almost the same properties as the status of ingredients for cosmetics, namely external use, not direct consumption.

The last factor that is considered by producers to certify pet food is related to storage. Many feeds come in large, non-consumable packages, so some need to be stored refrigerated. It is very rare for cat lovers to have a separate refrigerator, so it is generally placed mixed with the pet owner’s food storage refrigerator.

Many animal lovers are worried that their food is contaminated with unclean/unclean objects from pet food stored next to each other. Halal certification is one of the evidence used by cat food manufacturers to dismiss the concerns of cat food buyers.

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