Say Barakallah instead of Congratulations


Congratulations of course we often say to family, friends, neighbors also in the school or office environment. Congratulations are always associated with happiness, for example on birthdays, wedding days, or proud achievements.

In Arabic terms, congratulations are generally replaced by saying barakallah. Barakallah has the meaning of “May Allah bless you”. Usually there are also people who add barakallah fiikum, which means almost the same as the first one only added the word “to you” or “to you”.

There is a special greeting when wishing you a happy birthday, usually the word spoken is Barakallah fii umrik which means good luck for your age.

Replacing congratulations with barakallah doesn’t mean we are pretentious arabian, but when we say barakallah, there are prayers that come out of our mouths.

So there is nothing wrong when our family, friends or neighbors experience a happy moment we say barakallah.

Barakallah is said during the birth of a baby, when you get happiness like getting a gift, when you get success, birthdays, when someone has just converted to Islam, when you get achievements, and when you attend a wedding.

Let’s get used to replacing congratulations with barakallah!

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