Ini Cara Daftar Sholat Jum’at di Taipei Grand Mosque

[English Below]

Ketika jum’at tiba dan kita berada di Taipei, salah satu tempat melaksanakan sholat jum’at adalah di Taipei Grand Mosque (TGM). Namun, karna kondisi COVID-19 saat ini jumlah jamaah sholat dibatasi. Dikutip dari Halaman Facebook Pengurus TGM memberlakukan wajib pendaftaran sebelum bisa datang dan ikut sholat jum’at di Masjid.

Berikut cara melakukan pendaftaran:

1. Isi data diri di halaman berikut:
Halaman Pendaftaran Sholat Jum’at di Taipei Grand Mosuque

Harap isi tautan pendaftaran sebelum hari Kamis.

2. Pengsurus TGM akan mengumumkan daftar yang bisa melakukan sholat berjamaah di Masjid:

Selamat, jika nama anda terdapat pada daftar tersebut Anda diperbolehkan ikut sholat jum’at di TGM.

This is How to Register for Friday Prayers at the Taipei Grand Mosque

When Friday arrives and we are in Taipei, one of the places to perform Friday prayers is at the Taipei Grand Mosque (TGM). However, due to the current state of COVID-19, there is a limited number of people who can attend. Quoted from the TGM Management Facebook page, registration is mandatory before being able to come and participate in Friday prayers at the mosque.

Here’s how to register:

1. Fill in your personal data on the following page:
Friday Prayer Registration Page at Taipei Grand Mosque

Taipei Grand Mosque Jum’ah Prayer Registration Link

Please fill in the registration link before Thursday.

2. The TGM management will announce the list of those who can pray in congregation at the mosque:

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Congratulations, if your name is on the list you are allowed to join Friday prayers at TGM.